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p5kk1492 2025. 1. 17. 12:58

*All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.


**Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.


God is Love-I dare say. But what a mischievous devil Love is!


I do not mind lying, but I hate inaccuracy.


*Young people have a marvelous faculty of either dying or adapting themselves to circumstances. Even if they are unhappy-very unhappy-it is astonishing how easily they can be prevented from finding it out, or at my rate from attributing it to any other cause than their own sinfulness.


*Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our apperance only.


**Human life is as evanescent as the morning dew or a flash of lighting.


***Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.


It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.


God cannot alter the past, though historians can.


*Oaths are but words, and words are but wind.


To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead.


*Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold and chisel and complete a character.


?It is the function of vice to keep virtue within reasonable bounds.


**People are always good company when they are doing what they really enjoy.


It is seldom very hard to do one's duty when one knows what it is, but it is often exceedingly difficult to find this out.

