James the Draftsman

The first draft of anything is shit...but I still have written that shit.

일상 끄적이기

2024-05-30 오늘의 구절

p5kk1492 2024. 5. 30. 06:27

Verse of the day

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Johm 16:13 NIV


My Concerns

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7 NIV


My Response

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must belive that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Hebrews 11:6 NIV


