James the Draftsman

The first draft of anything is shit...but I still have written that shit.

책 그리고 흔적

인간관계는 게임이다. Eric Berne, 1910~1970

p5kk1492 2024. 3. 27. 20:21

565 Peoples-cheat because they don't want to face their desires by themselves and don't want to show them directly to others.


567 A lot of people play games unconsciusly, without knowing what they are doing.


569 You shouldn't think that the word 'game' necessarily means something fun or even something enjoyable. Psychological games are serious things that can sometimes lead to frghtening consequences such as divorce, murder, or trial.


573 What we gain from the empty exchange called game is that we can easily fill the the free time that we have to endure alone without having any relationship with others.


578 If you become autonomous by yourself through acquiring awareness, spontaneity, and intimacy, you can have a true relationship without gmaes.


580 We should repeat intimate exchages rather than games that are expression of distorted inner world.


인간 관계에서 벌어지는 심리적 작용을 게임으로 빗댄 에릭 번의 탁월함에 찬사를 표한다. 그러면서도 착한 게임, 더 나아가 관계를 게임이 아닌 친밀하고 진솔한 관계맺음을 통해 해소하는 부분도 나쁘지 않았다. 사실 인간관계 혹은 삶을 일종의 게임이라고 빗대곤 할 수 있는데, 이 부분이 맘에 들어서 어록을 뽑는 데 있어서도 좋았다. 
