James the Draftsman

The first draft of anything is shit...but I still have written that shit.

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영어 명언 프리드리히 실러 찜

p5kk1492 2025. 1. 14. 12:39

***The joke loses everything when the joker laugh himself.


World history is the world's court.


If you want to know yourself,

Just look how others do it;

If you want to understand others,

Look into your own heart.


Life is earnest, art is gay


*There' no such thinhs as chance;

And what to us seems merest accident

Springs from the deepest source of destiny.


**Who reflects too much will accomplish little.


*Keep true to the dreams of your youth.


**It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases.


Dare to err and to dream. Deep meaning often lies in childish plays.


*Live with your century; but do not be its creature.


That which is so universal as death must be a benefit.


Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.


Votes should be weighed not counted.
